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Every company knows the importance of marketing to promote its products, services and the company as a whole. However, knowing the right time to invest in this format makes all the difference. After all, when should your company invest in ads?

Currently, there are several ways to promote your business, and one of them is certainly using paid ads, such as Google Ads , Facebook Ads , among others . While there are free ways that pay off in the long run, these paid ads can deliver immediate results.

However, not every moment is ideal to use these tools. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to use ads carefully.

Thinking about using ads to promote your business but wondering if this is the right time? Then follow the article reading and find out when you should use this means of publicizing your business!


Before explaining exactly when you should or shouldn’t invest in paid ads, it’s important to remember that there are two ways to get traffic to your website: one paid and the other organic.

In short, organic traffic is harder to get. It takes time, effort and knowledge of content marketing , SEO and also the persona to reach the target audience.

Results can take months to arrive. However, in addition to being cheaper, it is quite effective for the long term .

On the other hand, paid traffic requires you to disburse resources to attract people to your website. Paying for traffic is a faster solution and helps to save time.

Thus, you can sponsor and boost posts on social networks or pay to appear in the first results of Google or other search engines, for example. It is worth noting, however, that in either case you will need quality content to boost, either organically or through ads.

While it’s a great way to get your business found, it’s important to keep in mind that paid ads should never replace an SEO-driven content marketing strategy . Paid traffic should only be used as a complement to the organic traffic strategy .

Therefore, understand that working on organic traffic should be a mandatory strategy for your business, while paid traffic may be optional. It is also worth remembering that strategies with paid traffic are usually more expensive than those with organic traffic.


You must be aware that the internet has shaped the way people search for products, services and brands to consume. With so many companies and competitors vying for attention, creating these online ads has become a solution to be found.

Thus, paid ads have become a powerful tool to get consumers’ attention quickly and effectively. But, how do these ads work?

Google Ads , for example, helps your website to be found on Google’s search engine. This tool can be interesting if you want your site to remain in the top positions on the first search page .

Other alternatives are:

  • creating ads that appear on the search network for a particular term that the consumer searches for;
  • creating banners to be found on pages that cover similar topics;
  • production of advertisements on social networks ( Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Youtube Ads , etc.) to appear in consumers’ newsfeeds.

Ads created for the various social networks can also be good alternatives for companies to advertise products , services or make their brand found by their target audience.


One of the biggest doubts of business owners is probably this. After all, how do you know the right time to invest in this promotion? Understand that paying for traffic can be expensive, despite its effectiveness. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use it at the right time so as not to waste time and money.

This tool can be used mainly at the beginning, when your site is still new and the work done with organic traffic is still in its infancy. As mentioned, the results of an organic traffic strategy take a longer time to show results.

However, it is always good to remember that this strategy is mandatory and every company needs to bet on it. Although not immediate, the long-term results can be excellent and even better than paid traffic.

There are companies that, even though they are well known and well positioned in search engines organically, use these campaigns to promote their products and always keep their website in the top positions.

This alternative is not all bad, but the company can end up spending a lot on these ads unnecessarily. After all, it is possible to leave your website always well positioned with a well-planned and well-executed SEO strategy.


Analyzing in general, the impression is that investments in this type of ad can be made at any time, but the truth is that it should not be like that. There are some situations in which you cannot (and should not) invest in paid traffic.

The first is in case you still don’t have a complete idea of ​​your business, your target audience or if you don’t have your product or service fully developed.  It is always advisable to understand the context of your company in the market before starting a paid traffic strategy .

Also, if you don’t already know the purpose of your business, even paid traffic will not be effective. Therefore, first of all, you need to understand your business well, the niche in which it operates and know your competitors.

Lastly and most importantly, a paid traffic strategy should not be used if your company is not yet investing in content marketing to build organic traffic.

Remember that at the beginning of the article it was said that paid traffic should only be used as an aid to organic traffic? So, if you are not yet investing in content marketing, it is advisable to first start this strategy and then use ads.

In practice, there are companies that have only one website and use ads to drive traffic. However, blogging is an indispensable tool for building authority and connecting with your customers.

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