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Organic or paid, traffic is the goal of any content production. It feeds and is fed by marketing strategies . Without traffic there is no demand and therefore no business. With this, marketing strategists have been developing several strategies to conquer it.

Traffic refers to your audience, the number of visitors your online business receives. Consequently, the more visits, the greater the number of sales. Thus, from youtubers to company pages on Facebook, it is necessary to increase traffic to generate revenue.

After this perception, comes the next question: organic traffic or paid traffic? Certainly, by name, the first one catches the eye. However, although it is extremely effective and sufficient for many, for others the story may be different.

In this article, you’ll find out what paid traffic is and learn about some strategies to increase it. And consequently leverage your sales. Good reading!


While organic traffic requires a lot of planning effort, the ability to produce good content and patience in a very competitive environment, paid traffic is a shortcut for your brand to be seen. It is, basically, a financial investment that you make to be found by Internet users.

With faster results, paid traffic also makes it possible to know when your online business will receive visits. So, whether on Google , Facebook or Instagram, you don’t have to be in a constant state of anxiety waiting for one of your content or products to generate traffic on your website.

These ads created to promote your blog, product or service can be produced on several platforms, such as:

  • Facebook Ads;
  • Google Ads;
  • Instagram Ads;
  • Outbrain;
  • Taboola;
  • Youtube Ads.


Each platform works in a way. But, in essence, you pay them to promote your blog or product. Such ads are seen by people who are interested in the subject designated for the ad. So, quickly your online business can start generating traffic, which consequently generates faster sales.

Without the huge competition of organic access, paid traffic can reach the top position on Google for the duration of the campaign. This, however, has a limited time, so it is important to establish a frequency to invest in such ads, based on the analysis of results from previous campaigns.

Despite the advantages and ease of attracting visits with paid traffic, sometimes, however, it may not achieve the expected positive results. This is because, despite the digital content, consumption is done by humans, who demand quality and engaging content.

Continue reading to learn about some strategies for paid traffic success.


There are some action tips to avoid losing money with paid traffic campaigns. Follow!


Examine your business and finances first. You cannot compromise your brand revenue to advertise it. Thus, establish an amount within the available budget. Platforms, in general, have different investment values. So, you define whether you can spend 10 or 1000.

However, if you have higher resources to invest in campaigns, never put all your money in just one campaign. Create different ads and test them to see what works best for your brand. This is even the next tip.


In order to produce relevant content that reaches the audience you want to reach, you need to know it. Understanding the persona’s needs is not just trying to find out why they need your services. Knowing the language and its consumption habits is extremely important for producing the ideal content for each group segment.

Thus, with different ads targeted at the various targeted persona groups, you can test your communication with each of them. In addition, you can evaluate the results at the end of the campaigns.


A very common mistake in paid traffic strategies is the attachment to a single campaign, progressively increasing the investment in it. However, undeniably, the best way to increase traffic is by creating different campaigns.

This strategy has several advantages:

  • you can keep different ads specific to each of your personas;
  • you can compare all ads and see which one works best;
  • less chance of boring your audience with your ad;
  • you can test content ideas.


Have you ever heard of digital magnets? It is a kind of reward offered for an advertisement or in exchange for a subscription to a newsletter. Anyway, it can be in e-book format about something in your brand’s sector, a video or audio and are used to capture the interest of potential customers.

Also remember that you will always need to offer quality content to feed your audience, whether it comes from paid or organic traffic. Understand that paid traffic can bring you speed, but it will never replace offering valuable content that you must offer your target audience in any situation.


Regardless of the tone of the language or the type of content, your ads must always be truthful and convey your message clearly and objectively. Remember that advertisements, by themselves, already cause stress to Internet users. Imagine, then, that one of them enters your ad and realizes that he has been deceived.

In this way, make interesting announcements that catch the attention of the public. And, preferably, offer free products and always deliver on what you promised! Lack of ethics is a strong cause for brand rejection.


In addition to the objective transmission of your message, to generate traffic, you need to express, from a powerful call to action, what action you expect from the user when creating the ad.

The person will only respond to the call to action, of course, if the content is original and relevant. In those cases where there is engagement, the call to action is also a way of guiding the impacted person to decide more quickly to access your content.

Keep in mind that, although interesting, a wrong strategy in your paid traffic campaign can make you lose a lot of money and not get the expected results.


In addition to specific platforms, such as the paid traffic platform for Instagram (Instagram Ads) or Facebook (Facebook Ads), a series of tools was developed to assist in this intense work of dissemination.

One of them is lookalike , which allows Facebook to find profiles with characteristics in common. This increases the reach of the ad to a similar audience created by the tool. The larger the brand audience list and, consequently, the audience data, the better your lookalike audience and the reach promoted by paid traffic.

Another widely used tool is Graph Search, which collects information from the target audience from Facebook searches. With data on pages and groups that the audience interacts with, the platform is able to segment ads in order to optimize access results.

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