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Backlink Checker

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About Backlink Checker

A backlink is a link which is getting a visitor on your website this link is two types external and internal. These links are created when we are left our link to the other side and attract the visitors on the website . The more external link get more visitors on your website the backlink check tool runs a series of tests to determine whether backlines are pointing to the website or link you have entered. Additional information is also collected which includes Page Rank of the backlink source, anchor text used, and any potential flags or warnings for each individual link. Small seo tool provides you a free online submission that can calculates the all backlines

What is the meaning of backlink checker

Backlinks to your domain or specific web pages are important. If you have more inbound links, your overall Google Page Rank will be higher. Search giant Google gives reward for quality over quantity. Website owners and internet marketers can try to cheat in the system by buying huge amount of backlinks at lower price. Many website owners still do such type of activity and they are penalized by Google for doing so. Preference to natural links is given by Google. The links whose quality is low they never give you useful information or the information which you require. It is better if you have 5 quality backlinks as compared to 50 low quality backlinks.This free backlink checker tool has been created to show you everything you need to know about the quality of your links. Below your results you will see how many backlinks exist in total. 

If you have just started building links, then you might require to use this backlink check tool quite frequently. A link audit is much more complicated as compared to just running this tool. Complete link audit should be done only once a year and the information should be used in determining which link building areas are most effective for bringing more traffic to your website.