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Plagiarism Checker

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About Plagiarism Checker

How to use it? Well, it’s pretty simple! You need to copy and paste the content in the given box. Then you can click on the “Check Plagiarism button”. 

Salient Features Of Our Plagiarism Checker

  1. Can check millions of web pages

This tool checks plagiarism in your article by matching the content against numerous web pages there on the Internet. Once the content is uploaded, it will directly run against all the existing content on the web. This is done within a few seconds. Our Plagiarism Checker is undoubtedly the most advanced and fastest plagiarism scanner available around. 

  1. Automatic rewriting feature

In just one click, your content can be rewritten automatically. In case of any plagiarized work, just click on the rewrite option. It will take you to our auto-paraphrasing tool and will allow you to rephrase your words. And this is free of cost.

  1. Percentage Data

The duplication checker can show the levels of plagiarized as well as original content in percentage form. For example, it will let you know that 78% of the content is unique while 22% is plagiarized.

  1. A list-based, sentence-wise result

The tool can also show you, both plagiarized (if any) and unique areas in the article, sentence-by-sentence. Plagiarized sentences are reflected in red and the original sentences are highlighted in green. As convenient for you as possible.

  1. Highlighted document view

You can also see the result of the plagiarism check in a document form.  The full content will be displayed in one document while the plagiarized part will be highlighted in red.

Importance Of Plagiarism Detection

Our work gets affected by plagiarism in some way. Plagiarism affects us all, irrespective of whether we create the content or consume it.

As a content creator (writer, researcher, student, freelancer, blogger, social media marketer, etc, it's important for you to keep a check if someone is copying your content without due credits.

You should also always run your content on an effective plagiarism detection tool before publishing or submitting it.

Plagiarism is an unethical publishing crime.

So, you don’t want to be a victim. You can face serious legal action, if your content contains plagiarism. For example,

  • Monetary restitution
  • Fines
  • Bad reputation

Some other consequences are SEO content duplication penalties, lowered rankings,  possible academic rustication.

It is equally important, as a content consumer like editor, proofreader, academic professor, educator, website owner, etc. to keep a check on the plagiarism in the content you are reading.

The Plagiarism Checker by tools4startup is always here for your help.

This tool is used and trusted by millions of people all around the world. It is a sophisticated, user-friendly and fast online content checker. And it is absolutely FREE.

Your Turn!

Let us not tell you more. Start exploring it yourself further!

It gives accurate results. You can check plagiarism in websites, emails, research papers, newsletters, blogs, articles, etc. 

Made by our talented developers, this Plagiarism Checker is so quick. You can expect results in 0.83 seconds for 1,000 words per search.

Your content is not saved in our system. So, you can be sure of complete user privacy. The content is at once deleted from our system, once it does its work.

Visit the Plagiarism Checker page to find more about this tool.