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Google Index Checker

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About Google Index Checker

The purpose of a Google Index Checker Tool is to inform the users about the Google Index Status of a submitted URL. Several webmasters use the Site Index Checker to check if Google indexed their site or not.

Numerous website owners and SEO professionals trust this tool by Tools4Startup. They use the Site Index Checker to know about the ranking and Google indexation status of their domain and its sub-domains.

You can begin using our Google Index Checker Tool by accessing it from the Website Tracking section of the free tools. After opening the tool, you need to enter the URL of which you want to check the Google Indexation status and click on 'Check Site Index'.

The tool will run its algorithm and construct a report that informs you about your Google Index Status. There's another category called 'Index URL' that tells you about the total number of indexed URLs of your website.

Whenever you are wondering 'is my site indexed?' You can use the Google Index Checker tool by Tools4Startup. We do not ask for your email IDs or capital, our Index Checker tool performs a Google index search for free.

Tools4Startup also offers numerous other free tools for Keyword Suggestions, Checking Domain Authority, getting Hit Counter HTML Code, etc. You can use these tools an unlimited amount of times.

What is Google Index?

Google Index is a vast database of billions of websites on the internet. Google collects this bulk index data through it's Google Bot. The Google Bot is a crawler with an advanced algorithm that continuously crawls over websites looking for information to rank.

The Crawler will crawl over every website on the internet, BUT not every site is included in the index of Google. There are around 200 ranking factors on the basis of which the Crawler includes a website or a web page in the Google Index.

Out of the 200 ranking factors, SEO professionals and webmasters know about only a few. But the few elements that we are aware of can help our website get indexed and ultimately ranked, so you do not have to worry about how to index site in Google. These factors include On-page and Off-page optimisation.

On-page Optimisation

On-page optimisation is the most important part of including your site in the Google Indexation process. Every web page of your website should have a meta description, title, H1 tag, Alt tag, H2 tags, and internal as well as external linking.

You need to optimise every element of On-page with context related keywords that are organically placed around the content and not stuffed unnecessarily.

The Google Bot Crawler crawls over these elements and scans them for related keywords. If it finds the crawled site has all the relevant keywords, it will add the site to Google index. However, if the Crawler finds that the keywords are not related to the context or are unnecessarily placed and stuffed in the web page, then it will not add your site to the index of Google. Moreover, it will penalise your website instead because of the black hat optimisation.

Off-page Optimisation

Off-page optimisation mainly consists of link building. If you have launched your website recently, it will take time for your site to get crawled and added to the Google Index. Therefore, you need to get more online visibility and generate your domain's authority. So that when your domain finally gets indexed, it will rank higher in the SERPs.

When you get inbound links from sites that are already ranking higher in the SERPs, the Crawler will be directed towards crawling your site the moment it scans the high ranking website. By doing this, your chances of getting included in the Google Index increases. However, if you follow the On-page methods correctly, your site will be surely included in the index of Google.

If you have followed every SEO strategy and optimised your content with relevant keywords, but you don't know how to check Google Index Status of your website? Don't worry. You can conduct a Google Index test with the Google Index Checker tool by Tools4Startup and check website index status of your domain. Also, our Site Index Checker will inform you about the Google Index Number as well.

How Google indexes websites? | What is Google Indexing?

Many people ask 'how Google indexes websites?' the answer to this question is simple.

Google Crawler is based on an advanced algorithm that scans over your title tag, H1 tag, meta descriptions, alt tag, internal linking structure and number of quality inbound links (If you do not know how to create meta tags you can use our Meta Tag Generator tool, it creates meta tags for free). The Crawler also looks for organic placement of relevant keywords in the meta tags.

This is how Google indexes websites.

Although, you must be cautious with the keyword placement and creation of meta tags. They should be placed naturally without downgrading the readability of the content. When the Google Crawler senses suspicious usage of keywords, then it will not index your site.

Apart from that, if you want, you can stop specific pages of your site from being indexed by adding a Robots.txt file to it. If you are unaware of how to generate a Robots.txt file, you can seek help from our Robots.txt Generator.

Importance of using Google Index Checker

If you are a website owner, a webmaster, or an SEO professional, it is necessary for you to check Google index status of your domain. And when a site is not added in the Google Index, it will ultimately stop generating organic traffic (which is the best kind of traffic). So, you need to keep investing in driving paid traffic to your domain.

Furthermore, the Google Index Checker tool by Tools4Startup is free and easy to use. You can check Google Index Status for every page in your website, and we will not ask you for your email ID nor will we ask you for buying a subscription of our tool.

Just enter a domain and check Google Index Status with our free Google Index Checker tool.